As a member of the Bar Association of Canton de Vaud and of the Swiss Bar Association, Marie-Thérèse Guignard is primarily active in the fields of contract law and labour law with regard to contractual and social insurance issues, whether public or private sectors. In these fields, she advises and assists private individuals, companies and public authorities with a focus on preventing and resolving disputes; she also represents them in the courts. Marie-Thérèse Guignard was awarded the Ph. D. in law in 2011. She devoted her academic research to the history of press freedom and censorship in the early decades of the existence of the Canton of Vaud and won the Crédit Suisse Prize and the Professor Walther Hug Prize. In parallel with her doctorate, Marie-Thérèse Guignard worked as clerk of the Lausanne District Court and of the Lausanne Labor Court. During two academic years, Marie-Thérèse Guignard worked as an assistant lecturer for Professor Denis Tappy at the Faculty of Law and Criminal sciences of Lausanne University. Ms. Guignard takes a keen interest in history and is a member of the reading committee of the Vaud Historical Library. Faithfull to CBWM Avocats since the beginning of her internship, Marie-Thérèse Guignard joined the Firm as an Associate in 2012 and made Partner in 2023.
- From 2023 Partner CBWM Avocats
- 2012-2022 Associate CBWM Avocats
- 2011-2013 Assistant Lecturer to Professor Denis Tappy at the University of Lausanne
- From 2010-2011 Trainee CBWM Avocats
- 2009 Ad hoc clerk to the Lausanne District Court
- From 2008-2009 Ad hoc clerk to the Lausanne Labor Court
- From 2004-2009 Assistant to Professor Denis Tappy at the University of Lausanne
- 2017 SBA specialist labour law
- 2012 Attorney
- 2011 Ph.D. in law, University of Lausanne
- French
- English
- Contract law
- Labour (private and public) and insurance law
- Civil liability
- Mise à disposition des instruments de travail et remboursement des frais, in : Aurélien Witzig (éd.), Télétravail. Aspects juridiques et pratiques, Bâle 2024, pp. 125-140.
- Le télétravail sous l’angle du Code des obligations, in : Défago/Dunand/Mahon (éds), Le télétravail, CERT n° 17, 2022, pp. 59-102
- Loi sur le personnel de l’Etat de Vaud : jurisprudence récente, in JdT 2020 III 39, pp. 39-93, Mercedes Novier/Marie-Thérèse Guignard
- La rémunération du temps consacré à l’allaitement (art. 60 al. 2 OLT1), in Rémy Wyler (éd.), Panorama III en droit du travail, collection IDAT no 41, Berne 2017, pp. 1-53
- Charles Monnard et la liberté de la presse, in Olivier Meuwly (dir.), Charles Monnard, 1790-1865 Un libéral atypique, BHV no 143, Lausanne 2016, pp. 99-112
- Le droit de protester sous le gouvernement de Jules Muret. Le procès exemplaire de Charles-Albert de Mestral et d’Ami Rigot, in MSHDB 69 (2012), pp. 453-483
- La liberté de la presse dans le Canton de Vaud (1798-1832), thèse Lausanne, BHV no 135, Lausanne, 2011
- Un procès de presse dans le canton de Vaud sous la Médiation, L’affaire Roguin (1808-1809), BHV no 118, 2010, pp. 161-174
- Une province temporairement détachée du Duché de Savoie : le douaire de Marguerite d’Autriche sur le pays de Vaud, in MSHDB 64, 2007, pp. 73-100
- « Le télétravail et le Code des obligations (instruments de travail, matériaux et frais, etc.) », conférence donnée dans le cadre de la Journée du Centre d’étude des relations de travail de l’Université de Neuchâtel (CERT) du 29 avril 2022
- « La protection de la parentalité », cours donné le 12 mai 2012 dans le cadre de la formation continue FSA « Droit du travail »